FMF - Cous Cous salad

Fuel My Friday: Maisie’s Moroccan Cous-Cous

9 Nov 2018

As we come to the end of Stress Awareness Week, European Champion Maisie Summers-Newton wanted to share her stress-free lunch recipe!

Over to you Maisie...

When I’m feeling a little stressed I find a deep breath and forward planning can really help!

This recipe can be made in advance saving you worry at lunchtime. As well as bursting with micronutrients: a great fibre boosting recipe, also a providing a large serving of folic acid – what more could you ask for!


60g dried cous-cous
20g chickpeas tinned (sometimes I use more!)
3 dried apricots
1 tbsp. dried cranberries
1 small bunch coriander
½ aubergine
½ orange
1 tsp. honey

Don’t forget you will also need some jars or containers to store your delicious lunch.

Tip: Double the ingredients and set yourself up for the week!


  1. First things first … make sure you start by pre-heating the oven to 200c.
  2. Next, grab a big bowl and throw in the dried cous-cous, cover with cold water and leave for 10 -15 minutes giving it plenty of time to puff up. Once re-hydrated use a fork to gently break it up. I recommend getting stuck in and use your hands.
  3. Okay onto the aubergine, dice it up into 2cm chunks and place onto a baking tray with 1 tbsp. olive oil and give it a could shake so the aubergine is all coated. Place into the oven for 6-8 minutes or until soft and browned.
  4. Next is the best bit, grab the bowl and throw everything in…Chickpeas, baked aubergine and those cranberries - give it a good mix!
  5. Roughly chop the coriander and apricots and add to our beautiful colourful cous-cous along with lemon juice and a drizzle of honey.
  6. Grab your jars, fill in the beautiful Moroccan cous-cous and top with a little coriander.
  7. Stick it in the fridge and that’s lunch sorted for the next couple of days!
Lastly, remember to take time to sit back and relax, knowing tomorrow is a new day … with a tasty lunch.

Pssssst… why don’t you try this with different combinations and make sure to share pictures of your cous cous on social tagging me and British Swimming.