Struggling to fuel your training straight after school? Here’s how European Junior Swimming Champion Leah Schlosshan manages hers.
Over the summer, the 17-year-old City of Leeds athlete struck Gold in the 200m Individual Medley at Bucharest’s European Junior Championships. Now, she’s back at school and tells us how she handles going straight from school to training.
Leah always has peanut butter banana bread on her way to training in order to fuel her session, maybe you can too…
- 125g butter, softened
- 250g white sugar
- 2 eggs
- 125g peanut butter
- 2 bananas, mashed
- 500g all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder

Leah Schlosshan
- Preheat
oven to 165°C. Lightly grease a 5x9 inch loaf tin.
- In a large mixing bowl, mix together the butter and sugar. Add eggs, beating well, before stirring in the peanut butter, bananas, flour and baking soda until mixed.
- Pour into prepared tin and bake at 165°C for 70 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the centre of the loaf comes out clean.
- Remove to a wire rack to cool before adding any desired toppings.
Check out our athletes' diverse range of recipe options across on the Fuel My Friday page HERE