As part of the ongoing development of the Performance Pathway, British Swimming is seeking feedback on proposals for a new domestic competition structure.
The visionary goal of British Swimming’s Performance Pathway is to ensure all participating swimmers have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience within the sport, and that those who aspire to achieve Olympic success are fully supported in doing so.
To give feedback on the new domestic competition structure proposals contact your club.A key element of realising this goal is ensuring a domestic competition structure is in place that fully supports and is in synergy with our high performance aspirations.
A set of proposals are currently being discussed by an implementation group comprising representation from each home nation, UK Sport and the British Swimming Coaches Association with the intention of creating a truly integrated structure and calendar.
The group is seeking your feedback for a limited period of time on the proposals under consideration, and has sent all clubs a summary copy of the new competition structure proposals.
If anyone would like to share their views as part of the consultation process, please contact your club for details of where your feedback can be sent.
The deadline for feedback has been extended to 14 June 2014.