Hannah Russell

British Para-Swimming searching for Rio 2016 talent

2 May 2014

British Para-Swimming have teamed up with UK Sport and the English Institute of Sport to launch ‘A Vision for Rio’ campaign to try and find the next generation of visually impaired Paralympic athletes.

The campaign is looking for young swimmers between the ages of 12-25 years old, both male and female, who are currently competing at a regional or county level.

To be eligible for 'A Vision For Rio', these swimmers must have limited vision, loosely defined as being unable to see past the top line of an eye chart with their most effective eye, whilst wearing glasses.

Great Britain is at the forefront of Paralympic Swimming and won seven gold, 16 silver and 16 bronze medals at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

But while this puts ParalympicGB in good stead for Rio 2016, the quality of athletes and the general standards of competition across the board are rising, increasing the important of staying in front of other leadning nations by finding new and talented Para-Swimmers.

Most competitive swimmers have a love for the sport and many dream of representing their country in a competition at the highest possible level, but are unaware of the opportunities available.