Lewis White

Swimmer ID Toolkit

The Para-Swimming ID Toolkit is a resource to help swimming teachers, coaches, schools and parents with identifying and teaching disabled swimmers.

The toolkit has been developed by the para-swimming officers from the home nations and is supported by Aquatics GB.

Who knows? You could be teaching or coaching a Paralympic swimming champion of the future.

About the toolkit

The aim of the toolkit is to help identify para-swimmers at all levels and give them the chance to progress within the para-swimming pathway.

The toolkit provides a method to group swimmers according to their impairment along with helpful teaching points and adaptations. While providing signposting to future opportunities in the pathway.

You can find out more about competitive para-swimming in each Home Nations by clicking the relevant link below: 

Accessing the toolkit

The toolkit is available both as a PDF and as a hard copy with waterproof pages.

Click here to access the PDF version.

If you want further information the please contact either your Home Nation or email Aquatics GB Para-Swimming